Monday, 11 March 2013

Gossip & Gists: Justin Bieber Collapses On Stage At London’s O2

Justin Bieber

Following the concert, Justin’s team immediately brought him  to a local hospital for a full check-up.

His representative told E! 365: ‘He got oxygen from emergency personnel. He insisted on finishing the show. He is on the way to the hospital right now.

Video footage from the concert also shows Justin’s manager Scooter Braun telling his fans that the 19-year-old singer had been ‘very low of breath’ during the show and was being checked over by a medical team.

Justin was recently reprimanded by his record company and warned to curb his partying ways and ‘stay in more’.

A source said: ‘Being amidst a barrage of abuse is uncharted territory for Justin. Understandably he is finding it hard to take … His antics are not what his young fans expect of him.

After an emergency meeting in the US, Justin’s people reportedly had him on Skype to bosses and he was given a serious talking-to.

It was suggested he start staying in more and basically cleaning up his act … Justin took the news well and has promised to go back to putting his fans first.’

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