Friday, 1 March 2013

Interviews & Hype: “I Hope And Pray To Be One Of World’s Rated Singer And Entrepreneur” - Jahfizz

E! 365 Exclusive Interview with Opeyemi Olaleye, know as Jahfizz – an up-and-coming at his residence today, enjoy and share your comments.

Who are you and where are you based?

I am Opeyemi Olaleye but fondly referred to as @Jahfizz, I am a singer – an Afro Pop artiste and a student – Computer Science, Lagos State University and I am based in Lagos State, Nigeria.

What do you do, how would you describe your presence in the industry and what is your mission?

As mentioned earlier, I am a singer and a student. I am also a Publicist, PR and Blogger. Presence, just like every other up-and-coming acts, I am still pushing on hard to be recognized. And, mission? **smiles** As e dey go nooow, I am on a mission to impact lives, positively with music – which is what I know how to do best.

How long have you been doing this?

Will not say since when I have been in the womb like majority out there does says **smiles** but it has been a very long time. Yea, it all started back in my elementary school days and I added the touch of professionalism in 2005 when I recorded See Di Girl (Prod. by O.n.O) – my first single, it has a video that is everywhere.

Notable moments in your career?

Wao!! It was when ”Maa Lo Le (Prod. by T-izze)” emerged as Best Afro Pop of the year, Hype Award 2013 adding credits to my Curriculum Vitae, it was a wonderful experience to be honoured with such as an up-and-coming artiste **smiles**

What is the best and worst part of what you do?

Ummm, there best should be when act of being recognised, for instance, to friends and family being proud of you in such a way to beat their chest on your behalf, saying… “@Jahfizz is our son, @Jahfizz is my bosom friend, @Jahfizz is or used to be my date among others” and the worst was realizing late that music business, rather entertainment as a whole requires much more capital to gain that stand because e no at all easy to do promotions **laughter**

[cuts in]
A little about you…

To tell about myself,  I would begin with saying that I am the last child of the family of 7-grown adults, including myself. I live for music alone, none other thing apart from music can make my spirit soar. Ummm, what more can tell you? Oookay, I am down to earth – not short oo, religious, humble but stubborn and I am the amicable type, fun to be with.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years

I hope and pray to be one of world’s rated singer and entrepreneur representing for Nigeria before then, you know say life sweet **laughter**

What do you do for relaxing/fun/chilling out?

Being around friends and listening to good music

What advice do you have for others inspired by you?

With God, all things are possible… Make una all remain focus, determined and never let anyone convince or stops you from what you know how to do best, not the likes of robbery – no quote me wrong oo **laughter**

Message for your fans, haters, critics…

To my great fans, I love you all and to them haters, e no matter the level or how desperate the critics might be, I believe it is part of the life we are all living as it is an obvious issue, not everyone like you and vice versa but like M.I., The Mister Incredible had said, “if nobody talks about… Wether na true abi na lie, then you are nobody”, I love you guys because I hate no one.

Your website, facebook page, twitter handle other links to your stuff?

Other links

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